Making Connections

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By Sarah Monares

Portugal has many wonderful things to offer to the people who live here. Timeless traditions, gorgeous landscapes, great food, a relaxed lifestyle, and a rich history are just some of the characteristics that are attracting a growing international population to Portugal. According to Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, 7.5% of the population in 2022 were foreigners, a number that continues to rise (2024). The Silver Coast has become an ideal place for many foreigners to immigrate and call home. The Gazeta das Caldas has recognized this fact and has graciously offered a bi-monthly column in the paper to communicate with the growing English-speaking international community. It is of great importance to recognize that this has never been done before and that we are grateful to the Gazeta das Caldas for their support of a greater community connection between locals and foreigners.

A little bit of history
These articles will all be written by the editorial group for an organization called Oeste International Community Volunteers (OICV). In 2013, the founder of the organization moved to Óbidos from England and he saw a need to build better relationships between the international and local people. In response to that need, a group of immigrants with a similar mission came together and formed the OICV which was created in 2017. The organization aims to develop a positive image of the international community, support the international and local communities, and help foreigners integrate locally in a beneficial way. The motto of the OICV is “Giving is a pleasure of life” and it has an overarching goal of creating a bridge to connect and support us all.
Some of the biggest OICV projects that have taken place since its development include:
Seminars focused on studying and working overseas were delivered to over 300 local students in 2023. There are three more scheduled to take place in 2024.
A seminar for local entrepreneurs in partnership with AIRO and Mais Negros. The goal of the seminar was to share successful business experiences and professional knowledge from other countries.
A series of seminars offered to the international community featuring several local professionals. Covered topics included the laws and policies of Portugal, taxation, legislation, and insurance.
An International Cuisine Lunch Project for the Elderly Day Centers in partnership with Praia D’El Rey Golf Club.

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The task at hand
The newspaper articles are another way for the OICV to help support and give back to the community. Moving to a new country can pose a slew of challenges. The gathering of information that is required when you know very little about the new place you’re living or the language can feel daunting. One of the biggest challenges upon arrival can be the integration into the local community after you start settling in. The focus of these twice-monthly articles will be on sharing information to help foreigners better become a part of the local community and connect in a meaningful way. The articles will be published in English and we are working together with the Gazeta das Caldas to translate them into additional languages online. The editorial group does not take our task lightly, and we aim to be great stewards of the space the Gazeta das Caldas has given us to communicate with the international members of the community.

Why is it important?
Integration into the local community fosters a deeper understanding of different cultures and promotes mutual respect. Connecting with one another helps to enrich our lives through learning about new customs, languages, and traditions. It is important to find a sense of belonging and support in a new community. Integration also helps break down stereotypes and misconceptions by allowing locals and foreigners to learn from each other’s real-life experiences. Diversity strengthens communities by bringing in new perspectives, skills, and ideas, enhancing creativity and problem-solving. As foreign residents, the editorial group wants to positively impact the community in which we live. The more incomers know about their new home, the more they can do this in a powerful way.

What can you expect?
Twice a month, the articles published will explore valuable information on different topics such as laws, taxation, immigration policy, legislation, resources, the experiences of immigrants, and much more. Participation in local events, festivals, language learning, and volunteer activities are all great ways for foreigners to integrate and contribute to the community. You can expect the editorial team to search high and low to bring you valuable information that will be the most supportive for you and your integration journey. Please make sure that you support the Gazeta das Caldas regularly and use the rest of the valuable information in each issue to your advantage as well. You can access the newspaper both in print and online. If you choose to access the online version, you can also become a subscriber.
If you have any questions or comments please get in touch. You can contact us at We also welcome your suggestions on topics you would find the most beneficial.

Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos (2024) Available at Accesed 11.02.24

Oeste International Community Volunteers

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